










參訪學生心得也與大家分享囉 : )


詩肯給我的第一感覺是素雅,簡單。柚木製成的傢俱擺放得很整齊,店面也採用白色讓人覺得格外清新。到訪時,工作人員就告訴我們可以脫下鞋子換上拖鞋,任我們試坐沙發,床褥等。這讓我覺得有居家的感覺,一種詩肯想帶給顧客的感覺。卜協理的簡介,能感受到他對工作的熱忱以及對詩肯的忠心。另外,他也說道雖然工作上需要有一定的制度,但人事方面也不能忽略。這點我非常認同,因為服務業靠的是人,所以'無形的管理'勝於'有形的管理'。因此老闆與員工的關係都十分融洽。 最令我受寵若驚的是林董事長不畏颱風前來接待我們,也分享他創業的故事,他一再強調“找自己喜歡而又覺得容易的事來做”。這句話讓我有所啟發,反復思考自己的未來因該往哪方面發展。 在這裡,由衷感謝林董事長和您忠誠的團隊!

主修:Economics & Finance

一踏進詩肯,真的有回家的感覺!脫下高根鞋,換上了舒服的拖鞋,室內又充滿了柚木的香氣,這種感覺讓我瞬間內心平靜下來。室內的設計,舒適的傢俱,在配搭熱心的員工讓我覺得這次來台灣是值得的。 從卜協理細心的講解以及一一解答我們發問的問題,我可以感受到他對這份工作的熱忱。最讓我感動的是林董,不畏颱風地趕回來就是為了接待我們!他說“找喜歡的東西,就會做的開心”,這給了我很多的啟發。我仍然在尋找我將來要走的方向,可能時間一到,會勇敢的去追尋。因此,我要衷心的感謝每一位今天接待我們的人,讓我可以聽到一個白手起家的企業家的成功故事,讓我獲益良多。謝謝!

姓名:TEO ZHI QI張芷綺

由衷的感謝詩肯柚木熱情的款待從新加坡到訪的我們。 從踏進詩肯柚木,一種家的溫馨感就油然而生。 以現代簡約的方式打造家的感覺,就像是feel at home。家,就是溫馨簡單。 最感動的是詩肯柚木的同仁們不畏風雨,把詩肯柚木當成自己的家一樣守護著的那股精神值得我們學習。更讓我驚訝的是林董事長與詩肯柚木的同仁們感情都好到令人羨慕。 林董事長和卜協理都分享了自己對詩肯柚木對工作的熱忱。 不是把詩肯柚木當成公司,而是以一個家作為核心。做自己感興趣的,在自己能力範圍做得到的事,然後不斷的堅持著往前進。能做自己喜歡的事真的很幸福~或許我現在還沒找到我想做的事,但是一但找到了,我也會往前衝的。

主修:Banking & Finance

It was an honor to be able to have the Chairman Mr. Lim to speak with us and sharing with us his experience as he started up his business.

Upon our arrival at the company, we were given the privilege to test out the different furniture. At first, I was a bit hesitant in giving it a try, but the staffs were so nice and asked me to give it a try and need not worried about it. That’s when I decided to try it out on some of the furniture.

As the presenter, Mr. Jerry Pu shared with us the story of the company and answering our questions. I’m thankful to be able to hear him sharing with us his experience. Indeed to run a company well, we got to have a relationship with our employees. In this way, everyone in the company will not feel like they are working, rather they are looking after their family business. This is so, because we already have build up a relationship with one another that is so close like a family. Also, as Chairman Mr. Lim, share with us his piece of advice on setting up business; I simply want to thank him for cheering us on and telling us that if we have a dream, then pursue it. Be bold to step out and pursue it. Do something of your passion and do something that is easy. Though it may be subjective when come to the word easy, but whatever it may be, pursue something that you are passionate about! Also I really admire the way when Mr. Lim shared his views on entertainment with your clients. This is something that I really agree on, not easy to implement it, but we can take simple steps in achieving it.

I had really learnt a lot in the way how a boss should treat his employees. This is something that I can apply as I set up my company in the future. It is an eye opener experience for me. Definitely something caught and I will apply it in my life.

姓名:KOH YU PEI許郁佩

我對詩肯柚木的第一印像是:哇,這裡真的有家的感覺。小小細節都關心到了的你們,讓我覺得十分意外。來到貴公司做了的第一件事就是把鞋子給換成拖鞋。這看似基本的動作已經讓我深深體驗到詩肯柚木營業的基本原則:Feel At Home 。 看見貴公司的員工對工作的那份熱情讓我非常感動。我活在的新加坡社會裡難得看見員工開開心心,熱愛自己的工作。在詩肯柚木,員工們還把工作夥伴當成自己的兄弟姐妹,讓貴公司像個大家庭。這團結精神我們都感覺得到。我要謝謝大家在詩肯柚木與我們無私分享個人經驗,尤其是林董事長和卜協理這兩位經驗豐富的長輩。這讓我吸取了寶貴的經驗,也鼓勵我認真思考自己未來想要走的人生道路是什麼。 也許是因為貴公司的林董事長是新加坡人,所以這次到詩肯柚木的參訪就感覺特別親切。大家臉上的笑容也讓我覺得十分歡迎。謝謝詩肯柚木大家你們的熱情與友善,也謝謝你們歡迎我們到詩肯柚木來。我真的學到了許多,我會永遠記在心的。

主修:Economics & Finance

I’m very glad to have the opportunity to meet with your chairman, Mr Lim Pok Chin, during our visit to Scanteak. As an entrepreneur myself, I have always wish to learn from the experience of Mr Lim and model myself after him. I have learnt through the visit that we must have the courage to step forward and do not wait for the right opportunity because every moment is a business opportunity. At the same time, we must be doing things that we like. With respect to management, I think Mr Lim have done a great job in ensuring the smooth operations of his overseas operations.

I have learnt from my personal chat with Mr Lim that trust in management is very important. At the same time, employee happiness is also another factor which is important for a company. I’m very surprised by the friendliness of the Taiwan staffs during our visit. They are always ready to serve and please. I’m personally touched by the fact that pastries from 85 degrees, the best pastries shop in Taiwan, were prepared for us. It makes me feel that Scanteak is a company with a personal touch. I would like to thank Mr Lim and his staffs for allowing us to visit Scanteak once again. I wish you all the best in whatever you do!

主修:Economics & Finance

It was our pleasure to have the chairman of Scanteak to host us on the day of our visit. The chairman shared with us his rags to riches experience as an entrepreneur without reservations. My aspiration is to be an entrepreneur in the future as well. Hence, I have learnt a few management tips from him on how to keep your employee motivated and loyal to your company. The Taiwanese mindset of going to work even on a typhoon to ensure that the stores and warehouse are not affected by the weather is indeed remarkable. I have also learnt what corporate social responsibility is when we were told that Scanteak uses replantation to give back to the society. “取之社會,用之社會” would definitely
be one of my vision as an entrepreneur in the future.

姓名: 藍若瑜 Lam Ruo Yu, Angela

Initially, I wanted to say that as a Singaporean, I am proud to have Scanteak. After some thought, I changed my mind. Scanteak made me proud to be a Singaporean! Emphasizing strongly on Corporate Social Responsibility, Scanteak does various charity and volunteer work. It was very inspiring to hear the story of how Scanteak was started from a very small company and succeeded due to great foresight and perseverance. It made me felt that our dreams could be realized if we work very hard towards it.

The encouraging words given to us also gave me the push I needed to start planning on the business that I want to have, we were told that there is no such thing as a bad timing and we should have courage to do the job we love. I also learned a lot about respect from Scanteak, seeing how the Chairman and the employees treat each other like family, it almost seems like there is no hierarchy, just a lot of mutual respect and I think that is the ideal environment to work in because everyone is happy and thus, more willing and productive.


他們有很濃的人情味。The boss and the employees are like friends. We seldom see this kind of situation in Singapore. Furthermore, they booked the whole place just for our visit! Scanteak is my most unforgettable company in all the companies we have visited. Maybe it is because it is a Singapore company or the employees there sort of melt my heart when I saw how good they are to us. They treated us as VIPs.





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